Oh My Goddess! Vol.21

Item 24 of 43

by Kosuke Fujishima

Peorth is back! But not back to normal... the appearance of her adorable child form receiving sensitive guffaws and considerate mocking from certain of the less mature goddesses in the household. But while having a new little kid around for Belldandy to try and dress is certainly cute, the sawn-off Fourth Goddess is not amused-especially when she realizes Velsper, the demon who put her into this short situation, is nowhimself a tiny black kitten who can`t change Peorth back-no matter how much she shakes and throttles him! But Velsperdoes know someone who could...whispering to her the dread name of ... Hild! Yes, Hild! Chief of the demon realm! Big shot of the regions below! Why is it no surprise Urd`s known her since she was a little girl? In fa-a-a-ct ...

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